I see that I have neglected my own website recently, what with all my other goings on going on.
My two slim volumes of Edinburgh Tales are selling slowly, but steadily, and I have just put the second one, The Great Al Fresco!, through the Amazon All You Can Eat programme where you can download it for free. If you’re quick, you can get a copy yourself from this link. If you do, please let me know; I’d love to hear what you think. If you enjoy it, you should read Volume 1.
I have most of the stories ready for Volume 3; I need to work on the remainder, and I need to join them together. It’s been an interesting few months gathering these stories, and I am looking forward to sharing them with you. For one of them I worked out what the Edinburgh Trams Nonsense is all about, but you won’t be able to believe me.
Wordly speaking, we’re evolving The New Curiosity Shop into an Indie e-publisher, and we’re delighted with the next wave of books we’re shortly to release at the end of November. Feverishly we’re revamping the website ready for this, and putting the final touches to the books.
Meanwhile, my band Painted Ocean is growing in size, and we’re now a six piece. We’re rehearsing our songs now, and having a jolly old time in the process. We nearly have our second single, Forest Glades, ready: it’s at the Mastering Engineer now.
And walking the dog every morning down Craiglockhart Dell every morning gives me a chance to pay my respects to the Owl Overlord who watches over us all.
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