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Stone Owl on the Shore

Stone Owl on the Shore

Another reason why I’ve neglected my words over the last few months is this: I’ve been busy recording and mixing my band’s new album, Stone Owl on the Shore. This is finally being released on 7th November 2014 as a  download from all the usual places, plus as a real, skim across the room, CD from […]

Meeting a Mellotron

Meeting a Mellotron

It was a message on the Flower Kings newsgroup that sent me to Mike Dickson’s web site. “Listen to his Mellotronworks” it said. I’ve long enjoyed the sound of the mellotron, from listening to the Moody, Blues, Strawbs, Yes, and in particular Tangerine Dream and King Crimson. Mike Dickson’s Mellotronworks is a loving crafted rendition […]

When Snow Falls at Night

It’s snowing here in Edinburgh, so it’s time to break out one of our Christmas songs again. This one is called ‘When Snow Falls at Night’ and I wrote it three years ago for our Christmas concert in Dumfries. When snow falls at night, There’s a hush in the darkness  The peace that you feel […]

We Won’t Find Monsters

We Won’t Find Monsters

The next in my solo set. When Mark first came up with the idea of the ‘Songs of Apollo’s Children’ project, I found myself returning to the most momentous time in the history of mankind: Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the Moon. It was the 20th July 1969, and I was nine years […]

When Snow Falls at Night

“There’s a hush in the darkness.” I wrote this song a couple of years ago for our Christmas concert in Dumfries. Hope you like it: This was recorded with Mark Toner on guitar and harmony vocals and Jenny Johnson on piano, my learned colleagues of Arbelos.   When snow falls at night, There’s a hush in […]

When Snow Falls at Night

When Snow Falls at Night

When Snow Falls at night is a song I wrote last Christmas for Arbelos. It was after we released it that the snow fell. This year, we put it out on Progressive Christmas II. And the snow really fell. What shall we do next winter? It’s a song about slowing down, taking your time, thinking […]