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Ray Bradbury…

…is an inspiration. One of the finest writers to grace this planet. His stories are full of wonder, are rich with humanity and above all exult in the sheer spirit of being alive. It is very sad to hear of his death today, but I shall take time to re-read some of his short stories. […]

We Won’t Find Monsters

We Won’t Find Monsters

The next in my solo set. When Mark first came up with the idea of the ‘Songs of Apollo’s Children’ project, I found myself returning to the most momentous time in the history of mankind: Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the Moon. It was the 20th July 1969, and I was nine years […]

Beethoven is Dead and Joy of Live Music

Beethoven is dead, and has been for a while – but what a treat it must have been to be in the audience of the premiere of Symphony No.6, my favourite of his. Perhaps he was conducting – any Beethoven scholars perusing this? – and to hear it performed as the composer wanted would have […]