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When Snow Falls at Night

When snow falls at night, There’s a hush in the darkness The peace that you feel is the breath of the Earth. Catch the air cold and crisp, taste the flakes falling on your tongue, Your warmth beside me is more than I deserve, More than I deserve,  Chorus Slow down take it easy, take your time there’s no hurry Stop. […]

Player of Games

Iain Banks died last week, and some of his ashes are to be shot into the sky over the Forth. I like to think that at the last moment he was whisked away by a Culture ship and is now relaxing in a deck chair under a strange coloured sky, drinking a strange coloured drink. […]

Meeting a Mellotron

Meeting a Mellotron

It was a message on the Flower Kings newsgroup that sent me to Mike Dickson’s web site. “Listen to his Mellotronworks” it said. I’ve long enjoyed the sound of the mellotron, from listening to the Moody, Blues, Strawbs, Yes, and in particular Tangerine Dream and King Crimson. Mike Dickson’s Mellotronworks is a loving crafted rendition […]

Something Wicked

My pen is resting for a short while* as I wrestle with the final recording and mixing of our Arbelos album, Stone Owl on the Shore. Mixing and recording Stone Owl  has re-kindled my love of electronic music, the Tangerine Dream-esque stuff in particular: Berlin School style, it is sometime known. I was rummaging around […]

When Snow Falls at Night

It’s snowing here in Edinburgh, so it’s time to break out one of our Christmas songs again. This one is called ‘When Snow Falls at Night’ and I wrote it three years ago for our Christmas concert in Dumfries. When snow falls at night, There’s a hush in the darkness  The peace that you feel […]